How to Generate Health & Wellness Leads

Health and wellness is a booming industry. According to Global Wellness Institute, it grew by 6.4 percent annually from 2015–2017, from a $3.7 trillion to a $4.2 trillion market. To put this into perspective, the growth rate is almost twice as fast as global economic growth as a whole (3.6 percent annually, based on IMF data). This represents 5.3 percent of global economic output. Clearly, people want to be healthy. So how do you capitalize on this market, and how do you capture health and wellness leads?

Health & Wellness Market Report

Get Familiar With Top Health & Wellness Websites

Before you begin your leadgen campaign, you need to familiarize yourself with other companies in the health and wellness industry. Start with well-known destinations like Goop and Very Well Fit. Look at what up-and-coming websites in the industry like 1AND1 Life are doing. Follow top influencers in the space like Joe Wicks. In other words, do your homework.

Reverse-Engineer Wellness Audiences

As you do your research, start to look at the social-media followers of each company. Who follows them? What are these people’s hobbies and interests? Where do they hang out online and in real life? Figure out the demographics and other attributes of your target audience, and then figure out how to reach them.

People who are into wellness exist in many different communities
People who are into wellness

Run a Lead-Generation Campaign

Facebook and Google are great resources. You can target people by keyword on Google, and you can target audiences by interest on Facebook. There is some overlap in these platforms, and with the right strategy, you can put your content in front of people who will buy your product. Make sure you develop a killer landing page that converts, and you’ll be off to a good start.